Movies & Long Nights


The last few days have been a mix of crazy and super boring, productive and not productive at all. I’ve decided that it’s really hard to blog on weekends so I may end up just posting every day during the week & seeing how that goes instead.

On Friday I worked all day & headed home to relax for the evening. My mom wasn’t feeling to well so we just stayed in and did our own thing. Our rooms are only 2 doors away from one another- the bathroom separates us along with a closet. My poor mom ended up catching some sort of stomach virus that kept her up all night and of course kept ME up all night (I’m one of those people that absolutely can’t listen to other people be sick. It’s just awful for me).

I woke up on Saturday not feeling well at all because of the crappy night. I was up at 5:30AM, unable to sleep any longer so I just got up and started getting ready for work (5 hours early, good lord). I headed to work, hoping to get my mind off everything and it worked pretty well. I checked up on my mom in the afternoon & my brother ended up picking me up to spend the afternoon and evening at his place. My sis-in-law and him  brought my mom some chicken soup and then we headed to their house to prepare dinner. It was really fun actually to hang out with them for the day! We went grocery shopping and just hung out. I cooked with my sis-in-law who is SUCH an amazing cook, I mean seriously. She taught me how to make fun little appetizers and then the rest of the family showed up for an Italian themed dinner which was super delicious.

I got home really late and crashed. I was EXHAUSTED- I’d been up for almost 22 hours by that point! I woke up early-ish Sunday morning because once again I couldn’t sleep, but I instantly felt better when I heard my mom talking and laughing on the phone. She was feeling a LOT better which made me feel better too. She stayed in bed all day with a bit of a fever but luckily the stomach-part of the virus was done which was a relief for both of us I think. I spent the day doing homework and watching movies which was fantastic! I ended up watching The Incredibles, Despicable Me, and part of Princess and the Frog. Apparently I was having a cartoon day! It was my first time seeing Despicable Me and Oh My Lord did I laugh or what! The minions are HILARIOUS and just overall hilarious movie. I seriously love Pixar films! (Am I the only one who thinks the little girl in this movie looks like Boo from Monsters Inc but like a year older? Have they run out of characters or something?!)

I also finished reading Fast Food Nation which was a really great book. It was a bit of a long read, but so so so interesting. I learned a lot about the fast food industry and the way food in the States gets processed (and a little bit here in Canada too). It’s really terrifying what the government lets people eat. Seriously, AVOID fast food places if you can and be very careful with the meat you buy & the way you cook it. Or just read the book, it’s worth it.

I was planning on heading to school today, but that plan just isn’t working out at all. I woke up to see that we’re in the midst of a MASSIVE snowstorm (In March, can Mother Nature quit it already?!) I tried to make my way to class but my mom convinced me right out of it. I need to be extra productive today to make up for my like.. 5th snow day this semester. It’s getting ridiculous but I just can’t get all the way downtown in this kind of storm!

Not my house, but may as well be! I think it’s worse here right now…

The plan for today? Maybe finish the book I’m now reading, do a math assignment or two and we’ll see after that. Some chores? Some groceries? I’m kind of snowed in but it would be great to get some food in this house!

Did you have a good weekend?

6 responses »

  1. I’ve always thought it’d be fun to have a cartoon day filled with a bunch of my favorite animated movies and cartoons I loved when I was a kid. Combine that with pancakes, I think it’d be a great day!

    Wow! Enjoy your snow day!!!

  2. Well, at least with the Snow Day you get caught up on sleep. And a lot of bloggers don’t on the weekend, so you would totally be fine for not posting then.

  3. I loved Despicable Me but I didn’t care for The Princess & the Frog. You’re totally right she does look like Boo from Monsters Inc.

    Glad to hear you’re both feeling better

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