Summer Reading List


I’ve been reading a LOT of blogs lately about what people are reading and about how people are constantly looking for book recommendations. I’ve been told I have pretty good taste in books so I thought I would:

a)share a list of my top 10 favorites that I’ve read recently (you can look them up and maybe enjoy them as much as me if you haven’t already)


b) Write a list of the top 10 books on my shelf that are waiting to be read.

I do read a lot of YA fiction, but I promise I only read the best of the best. My friends that I’ve forced into reading some of my favorites can vouch for me here. Feel free to share any recommendations with me, I am always looking for new books!

Top 10 Current Favorites

1. City of Bones by Cassandra Clare (First book in the Mortal Instruments series)
Type of book: YA fiction, Fantasy, Vampire/Werewolf, Romance.

2. The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan (First book in the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series)
Type of book: YA fiction, fantasy, Greek Mythology, humor, GOOD FOR ANY AGE.

3. Room by Emma Donoghue
Type of book: Adult fiction, Real Life, Award Winner, Bestseller

4. The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Type of book: Adult fiction, Historical Fiction, Bestseller, Book-turned-movie(coming out in August!)

5. Divergent by Veronica Roth
Type of book: YA fiction, Dystopian, Bestseller, AMAZING, If you liked Hunger Games you’ll ADORE this.

6. Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Type of book: YA fiction, Dystopian, Bestseller, Book-turned-movie, If you haven’t read this yet you’re truly missing out!

7. Sarah’s Key by Tatiana De Rosnay
Type of Book: Adult fiction, Historical Fiction, Sad, Emotional, Bestseller, Book-turned-movie (Sometime this summer!)

8. An Abudance of Katherine’s by John Green
Type of Book: YA fiction, Real life stories, Humour, Amazingness, Just read it.

9. Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Type of Book: YA Fiction, Dystopian, If you love Hunger Games/Fantasy YA you’ll love this one.

10. I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak
Type of Book: YA Fiction, Real life stories, Humour, SO GOOD ALSO PLEASE READ THE BOOK THIEF. Thank you.

These are really just the first 10 that come to mind that I’ve read within the last two years, but I’m always up for giving more suggestions if you need!

Top 10 Can’t-Wait-To-Read

1. Sisterhood Everlasting by Ann Brashares
Type of Book: Adult fiction, Continuation of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series (AWW.)

2. Blood Red Road by Moira Young
Type of Book: YA Fiction, Dystopian, Book with lots of buzz, If you like HG/Divergent/Delirium apparently you will love this

3. Talking to Girls About Duran Duran by Rob Sheffield
Type of Book: Biogoraphy, Music

4. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
Type of Book: Adult Fiction, Historical Fiction, Bestseller, Why haven’t I read this yet?

5. Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman
Type  of Book: Adult Fiction, Fantasy, Awesomeness (apparently!)

6. Mystic River by Dennis Lehane
Type of Book: Adult Fiction, Mystery, Recommended by a friend

7. Matched by Ally Condie
Type of Book: YA Fiction, Dystopian, Mixed reviews but mostly good stuff

8. Salem Falls by Jodi Picoult
Type of Book: Adult Fiction, Real life stories, Court cases/Law stuff

9. Little Princes by Conor Grennan
Type of Book: Biography, Around the world, Bestseller, Book with lots of buzz

10. The Cardturner by Louis Sachar
Type of Book: YA Fiction, Real life stories, I basically just love Louis Sachar (Holes? Anyone?)

So those are the top books on my shelves these days!  I’ve got a ton of others that I wanted to share, but maybe I’ll keep them for another post. What are you reading this summer? What have you read that you absolutely loved? Any that were on my list?

Photo courtesy of this awesome post about home libraries. I want! 

15 responses »

    • I’ve been debating about Bossypants since it came out- I don’t really know much about Tina Fey and I’ve seen super mixed reviews about the book! Is it really worth it for me to read if I don’t know much about her?

  1. Your Top Ten list reads like my daughter’s book shelf, which may or may not just be books she stole from me. There are a couple there we haven’t read, but based on the rest of the list we will have to give them a try (Abundance and Divergent are going on the wishlist) Thanks for sharing these.

    • You’ll have to let me know how you like Abundance & Divergent, I really love both those books AND the authors. If you end up liking Abundance of Katherines, you should check out John Green’s other books Looking For Alaska & Paper Towns. They’re both heartbreakingly beautiful.

      As for Divergent, Veronica Roth is only 22 and she’s signed on for 3 books. I only wish I was that awesome!

      Oh! And thanks for stopping by my blog! 🙂

  2. To show you where my head is this morning, all I could think was “why don’t the books in the squiggly part fall off? Where’s the gravity?” LOL

    I am also supposed to be reading The Help. I have a million books to read. I’m supposed to be done with Water for Elephants, but I haven’t finished it yet. There are some college ones I want to reread, and any time I enter a bookstore, well, I just add to the list. I should do a post like this on my writing/reading blog. Hmm.

    • Hahahaha awesome 😛

      I loved Water For Elephants too! It didn’t quite make my list, I really enjoyed it but I felt the books I chose instead made more of an impact for me somehow. I really loved The Help though, I completely fell in love with the characters. You’ll have to let me know how you like when you get to reading it!

    • I’m really nervous about the movie too! When I watched the preview I was confused why 3/4 of it was in french- I had completely forgot the basis of the book was in France! I’m keeping my fingers crossed though, as much as I hate Hollywood making my fave books into movies, I love seeing them brought to life too.

  3. Kite Runner is one of my all time favorite books, can’t wait to hear what you think about it.

    As for what I’ve read and loved: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Water for Elephants and Bright Shiny Morning. Three of my recent favorite reads.

    • I’ve heard so many amazing things about Kite Runner, I think I’ll have to move it up on my list!

      I’ve got Bright Shiny Morning on my bookshelf as well, I’ve been putting that one off for a couple years for some reason… But if you say it’s really good then maybe I’ll bring that one higher too! It’s just so big, haha.

  4. Thanks for sharing such a great list! I’ve added a couple to my list, :). Another great one is “The Handmaid’s Tale”. It’s another dystopian type novel, and since I saw a lot of those on your list, I thought you might like it! (I’m such a sucker for dystopian novels, ever since I read 1984 in high school!)

    • I’m glad you enjoyed the list! You’ll have to let me know which ones you read and how you like them 🙂

      I’ve seen Handmaid’s Tale around, but I didn’t know it was Dystopian!! Now I’ll have to check it out. I think that might be one of my favorite genres of books these days too. I’ve got 1984 queued up on my Kindle too- can you believe I still haven’t read that?!

  5. I love your list – I’m a big fan of YA fiction too, and share a lot of love for Delirium and HG. I read Matched and didn’t like it as much as I thought I would, but everyone else I know that loves YA had rave reviews of it.

    Kite Runner is also on my to-read list, and I’m about 40% of the way through The Book Thief! it seems as though we have very similar tastes!

    if you haven’t read If I Stay by Gayle Forman, run out to your nearest book store and pick it up RIGHT NOW. it’s amazing. 🙂

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